What if my Employer is Uninsured?

In SC the Worker's Compensation Commission only has jurisdiction over employers who have or should have had WC insurance.   The statute on point explains, the Commission lacks jurisdiction over a “person who has regularly employed in service less than four employees in the same business within the state.”  S.C. Code Ann....

What if my Employer is Uninsured? Continue reading…

Brailey v. Michelin N.A. Inc. – SC Supreme Court 2024 (Workers’ Compensation Decision)

Case Brief: Procedural History:

Procedural History: Isaac D. Brailey, the claimant, filed for workers' compensation benefits against Michel-in North America, Inc. The South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission denied Brailey's claim on four grounds. (1) Michelin proved the "fraud in the...

Brailey v. Michelin N.A. Inc. – SC Supreme Court 2024 (Workers’ Compensation Decision) Continue reading…

What if I did not immediately tell my employer about my accident?

Yes. Before I write any further, injured workers should always tell their employers as soon as possible about an on-the-job injury! https://www.kphippslaw.com/i-have-been-injured-on-the-job-what-should-i-do-next/ Having said that what if you did not immediately report a claim to your employer?, In South Carolina, employees have 90 days from the date the accident occurred to...

What if I did not immediately tell my employer about my accident? Continue reading…